Rainbow Network Faculty

Andrea Arguelles Headshot


Andrea P Arguelles 

Department Affiliations: Engineering Science and Mechanics; Acoustics; Center for Acoustics and Vibration

Research Areas: Dynamic Systems, Acoustics, and Vibrations; Energy Infrastructure, Storage and Devices; Structural and Human Health Monitoring

Email: aza821@psu.edu

No Photo Available


Laura Cabrera 

Department Affiliations: Engineering Science and Mechanics; Center for Neural Engineering; Law, Policy, and Engineering

Research Areas: Brain Science and Neural Engineering; Neuroethics

Email: lcabrera@psu.edu



Nikki Crowley 

Department Affiliations: Biomedical Engineering

Research Areas: Neuroscience, Electrophysiology, Peptide Pharmacology

Email: nzc27@psu.edu



Christopher Dancy 

Department Affiliations: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; Computer Science and Engineering

Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence & Human Behavior

Email: cld5070@psu.edu



Aida Ebrahimi 

Department Affiliations: School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Electrical Engineering; Materials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Research Areas: Biomedical Devices; Electronic Materials and Devices

Email: sue66@psu.edu

Vikash Gayah Headshot


Vikash Gayah 

Department Affiliations: Civil and Environmental Engineering; Larson Transportation Institute

Research Areas: Transportation Engineering

Email: vvg104@psu.edu



Juan Pablo Gevaudan 

Department Affiliations: Architectural Engineering

Research Areas: Durability science of cementitious materials, cement chemistry, extra-terrestrial applications, automated construction, advanced materials manufacturing 

Email: j.p.gevaudan@psu.edu

Enrique Gomez Headshot


Enrique D Gomez 

Department Affiliations: Chemical Engineering

Research Areas: Energy and Environment

Email: edg12@psu.edu




Esther Gomez 

Department Affiliations: Chemical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering

Research Areas: Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology; Interfaces and Surfaces

Email: ewg10@psu.edu



Andrea Gregg 

Department Affiliations: Mechanical Engineering

Research Areas: Educational Assessment and Evaluation; Engineering Education; Faculty Development

Email: axg251@psu.edu



Lauren Griggs 

Department Affiliations: Center for Engineering Outreach & Inclusion

Research Areas: Engineering Education

Email: lag5817@psu.edu



Tamy Guimarães 

Department Affiliations: Mechanical Engineering

Research Areas: Instrumentation, Measurements, and Advanced Sensing

Email: tpg5326@psu.edu




Ilgin Guler 

Department Affiliations: Civil and Environmental Engineering; Larson Transportation Institute

Research Areas: Transportation Engineering

Email: sig123@psu.edu



Erin Hostetler 

Department Affiliations: Center for Engineering Outreach & Inclusion

Research Areas: Higher Education; Engineering Education

Email: cem183@psu.edu



Tim Kane 

Department Affiliations: School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Electrical Engineering

Research Areas: Remote Sensing and Space Systems

Email: tjk7@psu.edu



Cheryl Knobloch 

Department Affiliations: Center for Engineering Outreach & Inclusion

Research Areas: Higher Education; Engineering Education

Email: cik5@psu.edu

Michael Mashtare Headshot


Michael Mashtare 

Department Affiliations: Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Research Areas: Environmental chemistry with a focus on the fate-transport of emerging contaminants

Email: mlm6958@psu.edu



Christine Masters 

Department Affiliations: Engineering Dean's Office; Engineering Science and Mechanics; Academics, Advising and Global Programs

Research Areas: Engineering Education, Instructional Technology, and Numerical Modeling

Email: cbm100@psu.edu



Lauren McPhillips 

Department Affiliations: Civil and Environmental Engineering; Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Research Areas: Water Resources Engineering

Email: lxm500@psu.edu



Jessica Menold

Department Affiliations: School of Engineering Design and Innovation; Engineering Design; Mechanical Engineering; Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering; Law, Policy, and Engineering; The Learning Factory 

Research Areas: Engineering Design

Email: jdm5407@psu.edu



Scarlett Miller 

Department Affiliations: School of Engineering Design and Innovation; Engineering Design; Mechanical Engineering; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Research Areas: Engineering Design; Human Factors/Ergonomics

Email: shm13@psu.edu



Herschel Pangborn 

Department Affiliations: Mechanical Engineering; Larson Transportation Institute

Research Areas: Energy Systems; Sensors & Controls; Thermal/Fluid Sciences; Transportation Systems

Email: hxp5027@psu.edu



Tonya Peeples 

Department Affiliations: Engineering Dean's Office; Chemical Engineering

Research Areas: Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology; Energy & the Environment; Interfaces & Surfaces; Materials & Nanotechnology

Email: tzp225@psu.edu



Heather Preisendanz 

Department Affiliations: 

Research Areas: 

Email: heg12@psu.edu



Elizabeth Proctor 

Department Affiliations: Biomedical Engineering; Engineering Science & Mechanics

Research Areas: Cell and Molecular Bioengineering

Email: eproctor@psu.edu



Cindy Reed 

Department Affiliations: Center for Engineering Outreach & Inclusion

Research Areas: Engineering Education; Environmental Engineering; Indoor Air Quality

Email: chr10@psu.edu



Parisa Shokouhi 

Department Affiliations: Engineering Science and Mechanics; Acoustics; Center for Acoustics and Vibration

Research Areas: Dynamic Systems, Acoustics, and Vibrations

Email: parisa@psu.edu



Brad Sottile 

Department Affiliations: School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Computer Science and Engineering

Research Areas: Aerospace Engineering; Optimization; Engineering Education

Email: bjs5332@psu.edu



Shelley Stoffels 

Department Affiliations: Engineering Dean's Office; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Larson Transportation Institute

Research Areas: Geotechnical and Materials Engineering

Email: sms26@psu.edu



Spencer Szczesny 

Department Affiliations: Biomedical Engineering

Research Areas: Tendon/ligament, Multiscale Mechanics, Computational Modeling, Mechanobiology

Email: ses297@psu.edu 



Stephen C Thompson 

Department Affiliations: Applied Research Laboratory, Acoustics and Center for Acoustics and Vibration Research Areas: Acoustic transducers, Acoustics system design

Research Areas: Natural Resource Engineering

Email: sct12@psu.edu 



Stephanie Butler Velegol

Department Affiliations: Chemical Engineering

Research Areas: Sustainability, Water treatment, Engineering Education

Email: sbv1@psu.edu 



Founded to serve students from groups underrepresented in engineering, the Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion assists College of Engineering students, faculty, and staff with equity and inclusion engagement. The center leads the implementation of evidence-based best practices to support student belonging and degree attainment, while also encouraging involvement with justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion programs and organizations. All are welcome!

Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion

College of Engineering

109/108 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-4287