Women in Engineering Program
Penn State College of Engineering is committed to providing access to programs and opportunities to all qualified students without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status.
The Penn State Women in Engineering (WEP) mission is to recruit students into engineering, retain undergraduate engineers and facilitate academic success, catalyze career development of engineers through advocacy and action, and actively promote an equitable and productive academic environment in the College of Engineering. A bountiful menu of WEP initiatives facilitate this mission through the following areas of student engagement: Pre-College Outreach, Undergraduate Retention, Leadership and Career Development, Graduate Student Networking and Alumnae Engagement.
Pre-College Outreach
- Girl Scout Saturdays. Half-day engineering workshops for Girl Scouts Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador program levels in grades 3 through 12.
- Middle School “Engineer Your Future” Outreach. 7th grade girls and boys spend the day with engineering undergraduates.
- SWE Stayover. Be paired with a SWE engineering student to get the full Penn State experience. Stay in a dorm room, attend classes and enjoy dining commons food while shadowing your host.
Programs for Incoming First-Year Students
- Facilitated Study Groups. Small groups of engineering students studying problems and helping each other to succeed in their courses.
- WEP Wednesdays. WEP Wednesdays are hosted every two-three weeks throughout the academic year in Kunkle Lounge of Hammond Building (University Park Campus). All undergraduate students are invited via announcements in our WEP Listserv and encourages to participate. Each WEP Wednesday is designed to provide resources to facilitate academic success, career networking and recourse development. Topics include: career fair 101, academic success strategies, research opportunities, how to choose a major, service in engineering, and more! Free dinner is always provided with a WEP Wednesday RSVP.
- Women in Engineering Orientation Program (WEPO). An immersive orientation to introduce first-year students to the engineering career path.
Opportunities for Undergraduate Students
Community Building
- WEP Wednesdays. WEP Wednesdays provide resources to facilitate academic success, career networking and recourse development. Free dinner is always provided with a WEP Wednesday RSVP.
- Undergraduate Women Listserv. All undergraduate women in the College of Engineering are connected through our WEP Listserv. This communications tool announces all WEP initiatives, FSG registration, career development opportunities, networking events and academic scholarships.
Leaderships Development
- SWAT (Sophomore Women Ambassador Team) Envoy. SWAT Envoys are second-year engineers. Provide service, engage in outreach, and develop leadership competencies during the academic year throughout the suite of WEP initiatives for undergraduate students.
- Facilitated Study Group Leader. Help first- and second-year engineering students develop study skills and succeed academically.
- WEPO Lead Positions. Outstanding opportunities for student engineers to refine leadership abilities and network professionally.
- WEPO Mentor. Lead a group of 5-6 WEPO participants and serve as a year-long resource for new engineering students.
- WEPO Rover. Assist with all WEPO events and play a vital role in facilitating the adjustment of new student engineers to Penn State.
Career Development
- WEP “Backpack to Briefcase” Lunch-n-Learn Seminars
- WEP “Power Hour” Networking with Alumnae
- EMIX Professional Development
Programs for Graduate Students
- Graduate Women Networking Luncheons. Graduate student luncheons are hosted monthly throughout the academic year and provide an opportunity to build community, network, and identify resources for career success.
- Graduate Women Listserv. All graduate women in the College of Engineering are connected through our WEP GRAD Listserv. This communication tool is used to announce Graduate Women Networking Luncheons, post academic and career opportunities, and share resources.
WEP Alumnnae
- WEP Alumnae APG (Affiliate Program Group). Penn State WEP Affiliate Program Group is chartered by the College of Engineering. APG focus is promotion and advancement of WEP initiatives. WEP APG features networking, mentoring and engagement in undergraduate career development through Power Hours at University Park. Three WEP Alumnae APG seats are included in the biannual Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion Dean’s Advisory Board meetings and lend a voice to strategic planning and initiatives.
- WEPO Career Networking Dinner. Penn State WEP alumnae are invited to participate in the premiere career event during WEPO (Women Engineering Program Orientation).
- WEP “Power Hour” Networking with Alumnae.