Equity and Inclusion Resources

The College of Engineering is looking to further develop and implement a plan of action to address systemic racism. That starts with self-education and a commitment to building a stronger and more inclusive environment here in the college. This page contains various resources that we hope provide the College of Engineering’s faculty, staff and students with ways to actively listen, learn, respond and support our community.

Readings and videos:

For members of the Penn State community who are fearful, hurting, heart-broken or weary, please know that there are resources and people here to assist you.

For those who wish to learn more about the issues:

And for students and others who believe they have been a victim of discrimination or bias, contact the following offices to report the issue:

Additionally, anyone who wishes to file an anonymous report may call the 24-hour Penn State Hotline at 800-560-1637 or report online at  hotline.psu.edu.



Founded to serve students from groups underrepresented in engineering, the Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion assists College of Engineering students, faculty, and staff with equity and inclusion engagement. The center leads the implementation of evidence-based best practices to support student belonging and degree attainment, while also encouraging involvement with justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion programs and organizations. All are welcome!

Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion

College of Engineering

109/108 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-4287