Sponsorship Opportunities

Annually, we facilitate approximately 15-20 programs that are focused on our mission. The total budget for these programs can run upwards of $500,000; 95 percent of our funding for these programs comes from outside sources.

Retention and Support Programs

Women in Engineering Program Orientation (WEPO) and Multicultural Engineering Program Orientation (MEPO)

WEPO and MEPO are separate but similar three-day orientation programs for first-year students. They provide an introduction to the larger WEP-MEP community and include mentoring, professional development, and academic support.

The participants are placed into groups, led by mentors, and are given an engineering project to complete. Afterward, each team presents their project to corporate alumni. Also, WEPO has a corporate networking dinner, and MEPO has an alumni luncheon. The programs are available to Commonwealth Campus students as well.

During the orientations, students bond and create lasting supportive relationships, become familiar with the campus and all resources available. Upperclassmen work as facilitators/mentors, gaining vital leadership experience.

Sponsorship opportunities:
MEPO Program: $50,000 (60-70 participants + 30-40 student leaders)
WEPO Program: $100,000 (160-170 participants + 50 student leaders)

WEP Wednesdays and MEP Nights

These events take place once each month and are meant to supplement the orientation programs, WEPO and MEPO. The events are one-hour sessions that provide professional and academic development. The topics covered range from interviewing skills, test anxiety, getting involved, stress management, and much more. For some sessions, professors and staff will present information, and for others, upperclassmen will share their experiences and give advice.

In addition to the valuable tips on a variety of topics, these sessions create networking opportunities for both WEP and MEP participants with faculty and upperclassmen.

Sponsorship opportunities:
MEP Program: $5,000 (40-60 student participants)
WEP Program: $7,500 (200-300 student participants)

Fall Welcome Reception

The Multicultural Engineering Program kicks off the academic year by having a picnic reception in September. Through activities such as raffles and dancing, new students are able to connect with upperclassmen, and all students get to meet the Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion staff, and engineering deans, faculty, and advisers.

Sponsorship opportunity:
$6,500 (175 student participants)

Campus College Connection

There are 17 Penn State Commonwealth Campuses that attract specialized audiences of students. Most engineering students from these institutions will finish their engineering studies at University Park. More than half of the incoming underrepresented first-year engineering students and one-third of female engineering students attend a Commonwealth Campus. The Campus College Connection (CCC) creates a welcoming and supportive environment allowing a smooth transition to University Park. The CCC provides mentoring, academic tutoring, and introductions to professional and student organizations. This program connects the students at all campuses in an effort to increase retention and support towards graduation.

Sponsorship opportunity:

Pre-First Year Engineering and Science Program

This program, commonly known as PreF, is one of two MEP semester bridge programs meant for incoming freshmen in an engineering- or science-based major at Penn State. PreF accommodates 25 to 30 students, who are housed on campus for 6 weeks and take five introductory courses: physics, chemistry, calculus, English, and a college survival course. These courses ensure the success of academically promising students in their future semesters at Penn State. After taking these courses, students can receive credits toward their GPA, giving them a head start. In addition to taking classes, students also go on field trips to enhance in-class experiences and create a community among themselves, so that they have a support system in their first semesters at Penn State.

Sponsorship opportunity:

Academic Summer Enhancement

Academic Summer Enhancement is the second of the two MEP summer bridge programs and commonly referred to as ASE, encourages engineering students from all Penn State Commonwealth Campuses to get to know the College of Engineering located at University Park. Although many first-year students start at Penn State campuses located all over Pennsylvania, most engineering students graduate from University Park. ASE participants are housed for four weeks at University Park where they will take introductory courses in English, pre-calculus, and chemistry and connect with current MEP undergraduate students, who act as mentors for participants.

Sponsorship opportunity:

Recruitment and Outreach

Visit In Engineering Weekend

The Visit in Engineering Weekend (VIEW) brings 10th- and 11th-grade students to Penn State University Park for a four-day (long) weekend full of workshops, hands-on activities, and an “extreme” engineering challenge. During the program, participants are placed in teams and are led by upper-class engineering students who act as mentors. VIEW is a way for underrepresented high school students to begin to see college and engineering as options for them.

Sponsorship opportunity:
$30,000 (program accommodates 60-70 high school students)

Girl Scout Saturdays

Girl Scout Saturdays are half-day workshops, led by women engineering students, that provide Girl Scouts and Brownies hands-on introductions to a variety of engineering disciplines. This event is offered monthly throughout the academic year, allowing Girl Scouts to earn badges during the workshop activities and provide early exposure to all the fun aspects of engineering, math, and science. Additionally, Girl Scout Saturdays provide an opportunity for women engineers to facilitate and gain leadership experience.

Sponsorship opportunity:

J. Jeffrey and Ann Marie Fox Graduate School Recruitment

Recruitment travel is a major expenditure and a critical factor in bringing women and underrepresented students to Penn State. Center staff attend 10-12 conferences annually to nationally recruit undergraduate and graduate students to Penn State. Our staff shares information about all the engineering opportunities available to them at Penn State and, where appropriate, offer application fee waivers through the Office of Graduate Equity.

Sponsorship opportunity:

Professional and Career Development

Engineering Mentoring for Internship Excellence

The Engineering Mentoring for Internship Excellence (MIX) is a collaborative effort of Engineering Career Resources & Employer Relations and the Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion. This spring internship development program includes academic and professional development, a field trip to a sponsoring corporate site, and an internship assignment. Sponsoring corporations provide information for the selection process, host a preliminary tour of the corporate facility and receive well-prepared, pre-selected students for summer internships.

Sponsorship opportunity:
$3,980 per student

Academic Success

Academic Excellence Center

The Academic Excellence Center is a place where students can supplement their learning with free tutoring services, reference tests and homework files, computer access, and a study area for individuals or teams. The tutoring services cover the various engineering subjects usually taught in the first two years of study, such as calculus, physics, chemistry, and engineering mechanics. On a day-to-day basis, tutors help students with homework and exam preparation.

Sponsorship opportunity:

WEP Enrichment Courses

WEP Enrichment Courses are geared toward women in engineering or are gender balanced. Each course is described below.

  • Introduction to Robotics: A six-week class where students are provided with robotics kits and create an original smart robot design.
  • Toy FUNdamentals: This class includes engineering design and prototyping through toy products. It's a six-week class that explores toy marketing and design through toy dissection, original design, prototyping, and field testing.
  • Lab Skills Workshop: Students are introduced to an electronics lab and use new skills to build a radio.
  • Networking Essentials: Through this course, students learn the basics of computer operations.
  • Wellness Strategies for Female Engineers: Students learn how to reduce stress and stay healthy while pursuing a demanding academic and professional schedule.

Sponsorship opportunity:
$15,000 (for all courses; 30 students per class)

Success 101

Success 101 is designed to give first-year students the skills needed to succeed as new engineering students. The course includes instruction on study skills, an engineering field trip, resume building, instruction on business etiquette, and a final research project. The course is taught by the Assistant Dean of the Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion in the fall, allowing students to personally know a good resource that may help them down the road.

Sponsorship opportunity:

Career Development Seminar

ENGR 497G is a career development seminar that offers upper-class engineering students information on the tools and current practices in industry. Topics range from communication skills, leadership strategies, team building skills, personal management, etiquette, and knowledge about corporate culture and are designed to create a successful transition to the workplace. Industry representatives participate in the course as guest speakers and provide in-person presentations through actual industry methods.

Sponsorship opportunity:
$15,000 (per class section)

Facilitated Study Groups

Women in Engineering (WEP) Facilitated Study Groups bring together small groups of first- and second-year engineering women enrolled in entry-level courses with upper-level engineering facilitators who have proven successful in understanding the course concepts and requirements. Study group members meet weekly with the facilitators to review homework problems, discuss concept questions, study for exams, and help students succeed in their courses.

Sponsorship opportunity:

Summer Research Opportunities Program and WEP Research Projects

The Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion provides two research programs for undergraduate students: Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP and Women in Engineering Program (WEP) Research Projects. SROP is a national summer research program for participants in the Multicultural Engineering Program. At the end of the summer, participants present research findings at the SROP National Conference, familiarizing students with the graduate school experience.

The WEP Research Projects provide women the opportunity to study cutting-edge technology through year-long research projects.

Sponsorship opportunity:
$3,000 per student


Scholarship support is a crucial ingredient in the recruitment and retention of talented, underrepresented engineering students. There are many cases where financial need prohibits solid academic achievement. Scholarships provide recognition of students' accomplishments and potential as future engineers. For pre-college students, scholarships are given based on achievement and need and provide a goal to work toward. For current students, scholarships are a rewarding statement, motivating them to continue to work hard.

Sponsorship oppotunity:
Sponsorship opportunities vary. Please contact us.



Founded to serve students from groups underrepresented in engineering, the Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion assists College of Engineering students, faculty, and staff with equity and inclusion engagement. The center leads the implementation of evidence-based best practices to support student belonging and degree attainment, while also encouraging involvement with justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion programs and organizations. All are welcome!

Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion

College of Engineering

112 Hammond Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-4287