a group of college aged women with their backs to the camera

WEPO Lead Positions

Penn State College of Engineering is committed to providing access to programs and opportunities to all qualified students without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status.

The Lead Mentor, Lead Rover, and Activity Leader positions are outstanding opportunities for selected engineering students to refine leadership skills and to network professionally. These students represent Penn State and serve as a resource and role model for the Leadership Team, new students and their families about Penn State, WEP Programs. These leaders play a vital role in facilitating the overall success of the orientation!


  • Arrive two days before WEPO to help in preparation
  • Participate in ALL orientation activities and reside in the hotel during 5-day orientation week
  • Serve as the WEP point-person in evenings (Lead Mentor is primary)
  • Oversee “after-hours” WEPO Activities AND Participants/Student Staff
  • Serve as a role model, illustrating how to take advantage of academic opportunities and how to make good social decisions
  • Handle conflicts effectively
  • Attend monthly WEP meetings; encourage Mentor/Rover involvement
  • Maintain frequent contact with the Mentors/Rovers during 2015-16

Available Leadership Opportunities

Lead Mentor

  • Conduct regular phone meetings with Lead Team (6) throughout summer
  • Communicate weekly with WEPO Coordinator over summer. Create agendas and draft minutes with action items
  • Coordinate overlapping activities and facilitate seamless operations and communications
  • Lead WEPO leadership Team meetings during orientation
  • Provide a dynamic and positive tone for all WEPO participants and staff

Lead Rover

  • Contact “Rover” team regularly throughout summer
  • Coordinate and organize luggage transfer from hotel to dorms on final day
  • Facilitate efficient operation of WEPO photo sessions
  • Lead development and completion of WEPO directory
  • Manage Rover team to ensure all Rovers are on-task the entire 3 days

Activity Leaders (4)

  • Resource Innovations: Facilitate Career Networking Reception; and Alumni Professional Development Workshop.
  • Design Lead: Develop, organize, instruct, and direct original Design Project
  • Professional Development Lead: Organize and instruct computer workshops; create effective curriculum
  • Spirit Lead: Organize, coordinate, direct Broomball, Team “Fun” night, Scavenger Hunts


  • $750 Leadership Scholarship awarded to Lead Mentor’s bursar account
  • $500 Leadership Scholarship awarded to Activity Leader and Lead Rover bursar accounts
  • Orientation lodging provided at the Atherton Hotel during WEPO
  • All meals and snacks provided during pre-orientation meetings and orientation program
  • Optional early move-in to campus dorms
  • WEPO T-shirt, WEP polo shirt, and professional group photo

Application Process

  • Completed application, résumé, and one reference typically due in early February
  • Applicants must attend a 20-minute interview on a date to be mutually determined. (Interview can be conducted by telephone for co-op students.)

Please contact Cheryl Knobloch at the Women in Engineering Program Office, 208 Hammond Building, by phone at 814-865-6311, or by email at cknobloch@engr.psu.edu.



Founded to serve students from groups underrepresented in engineering, the Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion assists College of Engineering students, faculty, and staff with equity and inclusion engagement. The center leads the implementation of evidence-based best practices to support student belonging and degree attainment, while also encouraging involvement with justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion programs and organizations. All are welcome!

Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion

College of Engineering

109/108 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-4287