four college aged students standing outside together

Giving Opportunities

Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion programs and opportunities are made possible by the generosity of our alumni and friends.

The Center works diligently to offer these programs to women and underrepresented students at little- to no-cost in order to encourage participation and increase the possibility of student success.

But these programs are often expensive to provide - so we need your help. 

If you would like to support the success of our engineering students, please see the opportunities below:

Donate to the Multicultural Engineering Program

Donate to the Women in Engineering Program

Become a Corporate Sponsor

See all sponsorship opportunities



Founded to serve students from groups underrepresented in engineering, the Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion assists College of Engineering students, faculty, and staff with equity and inclusion engagement. The center leads the implementation of evidence-based best practices to support student belonging and degree attainment, while also encouraging involvement with justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion programs and organizations. All are welcome!

Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion

College of Engineering

112 Hammond Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-4287