Girl Scout Saturdays

Girl Scout Saturdays are half-day workshops led by engineering students that provide Girl Scouts and Brownies hands-on introductions to a variety of engineering disciplines. Girl Scouts and Brownies can also complete badges during the workshop activities. The workshops are offered monthly during Penn State’s academic year and are open to all girls.

Upcoming Events

Date Workshop Theme Program Level Cost
October TBD Juniors (max 55) $4/Junior (badge not included)
November TBD Cadettes/Seniors (max 50) $7/CAD, SR, AMB (IP patch and pizza included)
February TBD Cadettes/Seniors (max 50) $7/CAD, SR, AMB (IP patch and pizza included)
March TBD Juniors (max 55) $5/junior (badge included)

How to Sign Up

To register, please email ALL the following required information to

  • Name and date of Girl Scout Saturdays event
  • Troop adult contact (including name, email, and phone number)
  • Exact number of girls attending and their grades
  • Identify any special needs (physically challenged students or other issues)

Please note:

  • Registration for October workshops will begin on or after September 11
  • Registration for February/March workshops will begin on or after January 8.
  • A separate check must be included for each workshop upon receiving an email confirmation of successful registration! (Checks payable to: “The Pennsylvania State University”)
  • No refunds available for no-shows.


Founded to serve students from groups underrepresented in engineering, the Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion assists College of Engineering students, faculty, and staff with equity and inclusion engagement. The center leads the implementation of evidence-based best practices to support student belonging and degree attainment, while also encouraging involvement with justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion programs and organizations. All are welcome!

Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion

College of Engineering

109/108 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-4287