Engineering Ahead

Focusing on math and science courses critical to engineering degrees, Engineering Ahead is a family of summer programs located at the Penn State Abington, Berks, and University Park campuses built on years of success to deliver a comprehensive experience to students.

Engineering Ahead Abington and Berks

The Engineering Ahead program is a free four-week summer academic enhancement program. This program is designed to help incoming engineering students succeed in their math and science courses this coming fall semester.

Summer Bridge

Summer Bridge is an academic summer program to help incoming first-year students prepare for their engineering or science-based major. The program also includes structured social and cultural events that encourage students to build relationships with each other and relate in-class activities to out-of-class experiences. We guide participants toward academic success to give them a head start in the challenging yet rewarding fields of engineering and science.

Jump Start

Jump Start is a four-week virtual summer program at University Park that focuses on math and physics preparation for engineering students. The program is designed for engineering students who have completed one or more semesters at a Penn State campus and plan to enroll in Math 141 or Physics 212 in the fall semester.



Founded to serve students from groups underrepresented in engineering, the Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion assists College of Engineering students, faculty, and staff with equity and inclusion engagement. The center leads the implementation of evidence-based best practices to support student belonging and degree attainment, while also encouraging involvement with justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion programs and organizations. All are welcome!

Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion

College of Engineering

109/108 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Dr

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-4287