
Graduate Equity

Penn State College of Engineering is committed to providing access to programs and opportunities to all qualified students without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status.

The mission of Graduate Equity is to grow and diversify College of Engineering graduate programs. We work toward this goal through high impact recruiting, developing targeted first-year programs for incoming graduate students, fostering community, and professional development opportunities. We are here to support your graduate school journey, and we encourage you to explore the many opportunities we offer!

Engineering Graduate Student Community

The College of Engineering hosts several graduate student groups, events, and resources with the goal of promoting scholarship and equity. These include:

Graduate Student Professional Development

Professional development builds skills for graduate students beyond their academic training. These programs are intended to address issues that can serve as barriers to students’ academic and professional success.

  • Penn State Graduate Professional Development
  • The National GEM Consortium
  • Equity Research Initiative: Graduate students can mentor an undergraduate student researcher in the Equity undergraduate research program. This initiative uses a tiered mentoring model where the undergraduate student researchers will be mentored by graduate students, who are also provided mentoring and training. Eligible graduate students must have passed their competency exam. Students will be grouped in an interdisciplinary cohort to create an inclusive community of scholars.

Recent professional development programs include:

  • Rethinking presentations in science and engineering
  • Curating your professional identity
  • Creating your personal website
  • Salary negotiation

Graduate Equity Student Orientation Events

Welcome Workshop
A workshop for incoming graduate students traditionally underrepresented in Engineering (i.e., underrepresented minorities and women). Through the Welcome Workshop, first-year graduate students will:

  • Learn about graduate resources offered by the College of Engineering and Penn State
  • Have an opportunity to interact with key multicultural leaders, faculty/staff allies, and current graduate students
  • Start building community with one another

Rising Doctoral Institute 
The Rising Doctoral Institute (RDI) is a three-day workshop for incoming master’s and doctoral students who identify as underrepresented in engineering and intend to begin graduate school in the fall semester. Our goal is to help prepare students to successfully navigate their degree programs and provide a network of support at Penn State.

Graduate Student Recruiting Events

Graduate Equity will be at several conference events throughout the year. If you travel to a conference, be sure to come and find us to learn more about the community at Penn State!  If you are a current graduate student, ask how you can join us at different conference opportunities.

Other Graduate Resources at Penn State

Contact Information

  • Erin Hostetler
    Director of Student Research and Graduate Equity
  • Cindy Reed
    Assistant Director of Student Research and Graduate Equity

graduate women in engineering video button


Founded to serve students from groups underrepresented in engineering, the Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion assists College of Engineering students, faculty, and staff with equity and inclusion engagement. The center leads the implementation of evidence-based best practices to support student belonging and degree attainment, while also encouraging involvement with justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion programs and organizations. All are welcome!

Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion

College of Engineering

112 Hammond Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-4287