Journal Articles
- L. Bramwell, J. Qian, C. Howard-Reed, S. Mondal and A. R. Ferro, 2016, "An evaluation of the impact of flooring types on exposures to fine and coarse particles within the residential micro-environment using CONTAM", Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 26, (1), pp. 86-94
- Z. Liu, C. Howard-Reed, S. S. Cox, W. Ye and J. C. Little, 2014, "Diffusion-controlled reference material for VOC emissions testing: Effect of temperature and humidity", Indoor Air, 24, (3), pp. 283-291
- C. Howard-Reed, Z. Liu, S. Cox, D. Leber, D. Samarov and J. C. Little, 2014, "Diffusion-controlled toluene reference material for VOC emissions testing: International interlaboratory study", Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 64, (4), pp. 468-480
- W. Wei, C. Howard-Reed, A. Persily and Y. Zhang, 2013, "Standard formaldehyde source for chamber testing of material emissions: Model development, experimental evaluation, and impacts of environmental factors", Environmental Science and Technology, 47, (14), pp. 7848-7854
- W. Wei, S. Greer, C. Howard-Reed, A. Persily and Y. Zhang, 2012, "VOC emissions from a LIFE reference: Small chamber tests and factorial studies", Building and Environment, 57, pp. 282-289
- C. Howard-Reed, Z. Liu, J. Benning, S. Cox, D. Samarov, D. Leber, A. T. Hodgson, S. Mason, D. Won and J. C. Little, 2011, "Diffusion-controlled reference material for volatile organic compound emissions testing: Pilot inter-laboratory study", Building and Environment, 46, (7), pp. 1504-1511
- S. S. Cox, Z. Liu, J. C. Little, C. Howard-Reed, S. J. Nabinger and A. Persily, 2010, "Diffusion-controlled reference material for VOC emissions testing: Proof of concept", Indoor Air, 20, (5), pp. 424-433
- L. Wallace, F. Wang, C. Howard-Reed and A. Persily, 2008, "Contribution of gas and electric stoves to residential ultrafine particle concentrations between 2 and 64 nm: Size distributions and emission and coagulation rates", Environmental Science and Technology, 42, (23), pp. 8641-8647
- C. Howard-Reed, S. J. Nabinger and S. J. Emmerich, 2008, "Characterizing gaseous air cleaner performance in the field", Building and Environment, 43, (3), pp. 368-377
- C. Howard-Reed, V. Henzel, S. J. Nabinger and A. K. Persily, 2008, "Development of a field test method to evaluate gaseous air cleaner performance in a multizone building", Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 58, (7), pp. 919-927
- S. J. Emmerich, C. Howard-Reed and S. J. Nabinger, 2004, "Validation of multizone IAQ model predictions for tracer gas in a townhouse", Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 25, (4), pp. 305-316
- L. A. Wallace, S. J. Emmerich and C. Howard-Reed, 2004, "Source strengths of ultrafine and fine particles due to cooking with a gas stove", Environmental Science and Technology, 38, (8), pp. 2304-2311
- L. A. Wallace, S. J. Emmerich and C. Howard-Reed, 2004, "Effect of central fans and in-duct filters on deposition rates of ultrafine and fine particles in an occupied townhouse", Atmospheric Environment, 38, (3), pp. 405-413
- S. J. Emmerich, J. E. Gorfain and C. Howard-Reed, 2003, "Air and pollutant transport from attached garages to residential living spaces: Literature review and field tests", International Journal of Ventilation, 2, (3), pp. 265 – 276
- A. Persily, C. Howard-Reed and S. J. Nabinger, 2003, "Transient analysis of volatile organic compound concentrations for estimating emission rates", Atmospheric Environment, 37, pp. 5505 – 5516
- C. Howard-Reed, L. A. Wallace and S. J. Emmerich, 2003, "Effect of ventilation systems and air filters on decay rates of particles produced by indoor sources in an occupied townhouse", Atmospheric Environment, 37, (38), pp. 5295-5306
- L. Wallace, S. J. Emmerich and C. Howard-Reed, 2002, "Continuous measurements of air change rates in an occupied house for 1 year: The effect of temperature, wind, fans, and windows", Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 12, (4), pp. 296-306
- L. Wallace and C. Howard-Reed, 2002, "Continuous monitoring of ultrafine, fine, and coarse particles in a residence for 18 months in 1999-2000", Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 52, (7), pp. 828-844
- C. Howard-Reed, L. A. Wallace and W. R. Ott, 2002, "The effect of opening windows on air change rates in two homes", Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 52, (2), pp. 147-159
- A. W. Rea, M. J. Zufall, R. W. Williams, C. Howard-Reed and L. Sheldon, 2001, "The influence of human activity patterns on personal PM exposure: A comparative analysis of filter-based and continuous particle measurements", Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 51, pp. 1271–1279
- C. Howard-Reed, A. W. Rea, M. J. Zufall, J. M. Burke, R. W. Williams, J. C. Suggs, L. S. Sheldon, D. Walsh and R. Kwok, 2000, "Use of a continuous nephelometer to measure personal exposure to particles during the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Baltimore and Fresno panel studies", Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 50, (7), pp. 1125-1132
- J. Moya, C. Howard-Reed and R. L. Corsi, 1999, "Volatilization of chemicals from tap water to indoor air from contaminated water used for showering", Environmental Science and Technology, 33, (14), pp. 2321-2327
- C. Howard-Reed, R. L. Corsi and J. Moya, 1999, "Mass transfer of volatile organic compounds from drinking water to indoor air: The role of residential dishwashers", Environmental Science and Technology, 33, (13), pp. 2266-2272
- C. Howard and R. L. Corsi, 1998, "Volatilization of hazardous contaminants from drinking water to indoor air: The role of residential washing machines", Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 48, (10), pp. 907-914
- C. Howard and R. L. Corsi, 1996, "Volatilization of chemicals from drinking water: Role of the kitchen sink", Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 46, pp. 830-837
Conference Proceedings
- Catherine Berdanier, Julio Urbina, Reginald Felix Hamilton, Catherine Cohan, Tonya Peeples and Cynthia Reed, 2024, "Capturing First- and Second-Year Master’s Engineering Students’ Perceptions of Support in Their Transitions to Graduate School", Portland, Oregon
- N. Huggins, J. Cruz, Lauren Griggs, Cynthia Reed, H. Matusovich, M. Artiles, S. Adams and G. Thomas, 2024, "WIP: Implementing the Rising Doctoral Institute: A Case Study in an R1 University of the US Northeast", Frontiers in Education
- Haroula Tzamaras, Sierra Hicks, Gabriella Sallai, Christine Cummings, Lauren Dennis, Hannah Nolte, Andrea Mesa Restrepo and Cynthia Howard-Reed, 2023, "Fostering Community at the Graduate Level: One University's Student-led Approach", Baltimore, MD
- Catherine Berdanier, Tonya Peeples, Catherine Cohan, Julio Urbina and Cynthia Reed, 2023, "Identifying Barriers to Recruiting Low-Income Students into Engineering Master's Programs", Baltimore, MD
- C. Howard-Reed and E. Hostetler, 2021, "Increasing Access to Undergraduate Research: Housing Student Research in the Engineering Diversity Office"
- Joana Melo, Catherine Berdanier and C. Howard-Reed, 2020, "An educational tool to optimize the consumption of primary energy in thermal-based distributed energy systems"
- C. Howard-Reed, J. Wu and E. Hostetler, 2020, "Evaluating a Multi-Campus Undergraduate Research Program to Improve Retention of 2 + 2 Engineering Students"
- D. Jareemit, S. Shu, C. Howard-Reed, Z. Alhafi and J. Srebric, 2014, "Investigation of air exchange and occupancy rates in big-box retail buildings", pp. 219-226
- J. C. Little, Z. Liu, C. Howard-Reed and S. S. Cox, 2012, "Diffusion-controlled reference material for VOC emissions testing: The effect of temperature and humidity", 3, pp. 2593-2594
- W. Wei, C. Howard-Reed, A. Persily and Y. Zhang, 2012, "Standard formaldehyde source for chamber testing of material emissions: Modeling and preliminary tests", 3, pp. 2299-2300
- C. Howard-Reed, Z. Liu, S. S. Cox, A. Persily and J. C. Little, 2012, "Development of a Reference Material for Building Product Emissions Testing", 3, pp. 2593-2594
- Y. Tian, K. Sul, C. Howard-Reed, D. Leber and A. R. Ferro, 2011, "A comparative study of estimating particle resuspension rate using a consistent test mechanism", 2, pp. 1609-1610
- C. Howard-Reed, Z. Liu, S. Cox, D. Samarov, D. Leber and J. Little, 2011, "Assessing the shelf-life of a prototype reference material for product emissions testing", 2, pp. 1591-1596
- Z. Liu, C. Howard-Reed, S. S. Cox and J. C. Little, 2011, "Diffusion-controlled reference material for VOC emissions testing", 2, pp. 441-446
- Zhe Liu, Cynthia Howard-Reed, Steven S. Cox and John C. Little, 2011, "Diffusion-controlled reference material for VOC emissions testing: Validation and application of a mass transfer model", 3, pp. 2438-2439
- C. Howard-Reed, Z. Liu, S. Cox, J. Little, W. Horn, O. Wilke, K. Wiegner and A. Persily, 2011, "Inter-laboratory study approach to validate the performance of a prototype reference material for product emissions testing", 3, pp. 2509-2510
- L. Wallace, A. Persily, S. Emmerich, Donghyun Rim, H. P. Chi, C. Howard-Reed, F. Wang, M. Green and J. I. Choi, 2011, "Ultrafine particles: 3 Years of measurements in the NIST test house", 2, pp. 859-864
- H. Järnström, S. Dols, C. Howard-Reed and A. Persily, 2011, "Volatile organic compound concentrations and estimation of optimal source strengths to achieve a high level of acceptance indoors using multi-zone simulation", 4, pp. 2831-2836
- C. McCrae, C. Howard-Reed, W. S. Dols, B. Polidoro and A. K. Persily, 2010, "Generating Baseline Distributions of Ambient Air Pollutants in U.S. Homes", 2, pp. 1609-1610
- L. Bramwell, C. Howard-Reed, S. Dols, A. K. Persily and A. R. Ferro, 2009, "Using CONTAM with a New Resuspension Module to Estimate Exposures from Human Walkingv"
- C. Howard-Reed, J. C. Little, E. Marand, S. S. Cox, S. J. Nabinger and A. K. Persily, 2008, "Improving the reliability of VOC emissions testing of building products"
- L. A. Wallace, F. Wang and C. Howard-Reed, 2008, "The Effect of Coagulation on Size Distributions of Ultrafine Particles Created by Gas and Electric Stoves"
- L. A. Wallace, F. Wang and C. Howard-Reed, 2008, "Ultrafine Particles form 2 nm to 64 nm Generated by a Gas Stove and Electric Toaster Oven: Size-resolved Coagulation and Emission Rates"
- C. Howard-Reed, S. J. Nabinger and A. Persily, 2008, "Assessing the Uncertainty Associated with Product Emission Measurements"
- F. Wang, L. A. Wallace and C. Howard-Reed, 2007, "Measurement of Ultrafine Particles Generated by Indoor Combustion and Electric Appliances"
- Cynthia Reed, V. Henzel, S. J. Nabinger and A. K. Persily, 2007, "Development of a field test method to measure gaseous air cleaner performance in a mulitzone building", 3, pp. 1933-1949
- C. Howard-Reed and S. J. Nabinger, 2006, "Developing a standard reference material for VOC emissions testing", 1, pp. 386-399
- C. Howard-Reed, S. J. Nabinger and S. J. Emmerich, 2005, "Predicting Gaseous Air Cleaner Performance in the Field", 1, pp. 386-399
- C. Howard-Reed and S. J. Emmerich, 2005, "Ranking Interventions to Improve Inner-city Housing Indoor Air Quality"
- C. Howard-Reed, E. Begley, B. Polidoro and W. S. Dols, 2004, "VOC Source Emission Rate Databases: Model Input and Data Format Issues"
- C. Howard-Reed, B. Polidoro and W. S. Dols, 2003, "Development of IAQ Model Input Databases: Volatile Organic Compound Source Emission Rates"
- S. J. Emmerich, S. J. Nabinger and C. Howard-Reed, 2002, "Measuring the Performance of Residential Particle Air Cleaners as a Function of Time in an Occupied House"
- C. Howard-Reed, S. J. Nabinger and S. J. Emmerich, 2002, "Measurement and Simulation of the Indoor Air Quality Impact of Gaseous Air Cleaners in a Test Housea Function of Time in an Occupied House"
- A. K. Persily, S. J. Nabinger and C. Howard-Reed, 2002, "Transient Analysis of VOC Concentrations for Estimating Emission Rates in Real Buildings"
- L. A. Wallace, C. Croghan, C. Howard-Reed and A. K. Persily, 2002, "PMHOME: A Database of Continuous Particle Measurements in an Occupied House Over a Four-Year Period"
- S. J. Emmerich, S. J. Nabinger and C. Howard-Reed, 2001, "Impact of particle air cleaners in a single-zone and multi-zone house: A measurement and simulation study"
- C. Howard-Reed, L. A. Wallace and S. J. Emmerich, 2000, "Determination of particle deposition rates for cooking and other indoor sources"
- C. Howard-Reed, M. Zufall, J. Burke, R. Williams, J. Suggs, D. Walsh, R. Kwok and L. Sheldon, 2000, "Use of a Continuous Nephelometer to Measure Personal Exposure to Particles during the 1998 U.S. EPA Baltimore Panel Study"
- C. Howard-Reed and L. A. Wallace, 1999, "Continuous Measurement of Particles (0.01 to 20 microns) in an Occupied Home"
- C. Howard-Reed, L. A. Wallace and W. R. Ott, 1999, "Factors Affecting Air Exchange in Two Houses"
- D. Won, C. Howard and R. L. Corsi, 1998, "Human exposure to VOCs in indoor air: combined effects of source and sink kinetics"
- C. Howard and R. L. Corsi, 1998, "Improved estimation of chemical volatilization rates from drinking water to indoor air"
- C. Howard and R. L. Corsi, 1998, "Human exposure to VOCs in indoor air: combined effects of source and sink kinetics"
- C. Howard, R. Strader and R. L. Corsi, 1997, "Volatilization of hazardous contaminants from drinking water to indoor air: The role of residential dishwashers"
- C. Howard and R. L. Corsi, 1997, "Volatilization of Hazardous Contaminants from Drinking Water to Indoor Air: The Role of Residential Washing Machines"
- C. Howard, 1997, "Linking Human Health Risks to Contaminated Water: The Inhalation Exposure Pathway"
- C. Howard, R. Strader and R. L. Corsi, 1996, "Improved Estimation of Chemical Stripping from Drinking Water to Indoor Air"
- C. Howard and R. L. Corsi, 1995, "Volatilization of Chemicals from Drinking Water"
- K. Teichman, C. Howard-Reed, A. K. Persily and S. J. Emmerich, 2015, "Characterizing Indoor Air Quality Performance Using a Graphical Approach"
- N. Crain, E. Nirlo, M. Zaatari, A. Hoisington, J. Urquidi, S. Shu, Y. S. Kim, D. Jareemit, J. A. Siegel, Jelena Srebric and Cynthia Reed, 2012, "Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in Retail Stores"
- A. K. Persily, C. Howard-Reed, S. Watson, N. Martys, E. J. Garboczi and H. Davis, 2008, "Standards Development for Gas Phase Air Cleaning Equipment in Buildings"
- C. Howard-Reed and B. J. Polidoro, 2006, "Database Tools for Modeling Emissions and Control of Air Pollutants from Consumer Products, Cooking and Combustion"
- S. J. Emmerich, C. Howard-Reed and A. Gupte, 2005, "Modeling the IAQ Impact of HHI Interventions in Inner-city Housing"
- Cynthia Reed, S. J. Nabinger and S. J. Emmerich, 2004, "Predicting the Performance of Gaseous Air Cleaners: Measurements and Model Simulations from a Residential-scale Pilot Study"
- S. J. Emmerich, J. E. Gorfain, M. Huang and C. Howard-Reed, 2004, "Air and Pollutant Transport from Attached Garages to Residential Living Spaces"
- C. Howard-Reed, L. Wallace and S. J. Emmerich, 2003, "Deposition Rates of Fine and Coarse Particles in Residential Buildings: Literature Review and Measurements in an Occupied Townhouse"
- S. J. Emmerich, C. Howard-Reed and A. K. Persily, 2002, "Airflow and Aerosol Transport Modeling in Hart Senate Office Building"